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How Strong Should You Be? (Noob To Freak)

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Powerbuilding Phase 2.0 is here!

Here are a few program highlights:
▪️ Build muscle AND strength for intermediate-advanced trainees
▪️ Uses full body and push/pull/legs splits
▪️ Option to train 4 or 5-6x per week
▪️ 12 week program (+ “signposts” to assess progress throughout)
▪️ Full custom Excel spreadsheet for tracking progress
▪️ Technique Handbook + coaching cues from me for every exercise
▪️ Video links from me for every exercise
▪️ Exercise substitutions included
▪️ Science-based and field-tested

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In this video I’m covering strength standards on the squat, bench press and deadlift for male and female natural lifters (men and women). I break this up into six categories of training experience: noob, beginner, intermediate, advanced, elite and freak. I have based these strength standards on what I believe are average abilities from my decade plus of coaching experience, data from competitive powerlifting events (including powerlifting records) and existing strength scales from high level strength training coaches.

0:00 What makes someone strong?
2:45 My current squat, bench and deadlift
3:25 NOOB (~3-6 months)
4:10 BEGINNER (~0.5-2 years)
5:46 Powerbuilding Phase 2.0 info
6:02 INTERMEDIATE (~2+ years)
7:37 ADVANCED (~2-5+ years)
9:37 ELITE (~5-10+ years)
10:42 FREAK (~5-10+ years)
13:08 Powerbuilding 2.0 info


Helpful resources:

ExRx 1RM Calculator:

These Are the Best Strength Standards on the Internet

Bankrupt Beats:

Written by: Jeff Nippard
Produced by: Jeff Nippard
Edited by: Jeff Nippard
Filmed by Big 3 Media:
Also filmed by RLR Studios:


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About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 12 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
Video Rating: / 5

From everything I’ve seen or read online, there seems to be fairly consistent numbers that people throw out when it comes to strength standards for the big three lifts.

As a grown man, if you can bench press your bodyweight, squat 1.5x your bodyweight, and deadlift twice your bodyweight, you’re considered to have reached a solid benchmark for strength. If you can hit these numbers, you’re doing great. If not, you have something to strive for.

#squat #bench #deadlift #sbd #shorts

The life-changing benefits of boxing | BBC Ideas

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You might think of boxing as a violent sport. But in fact it has a host of physical, psychological and social benefits. Here’s why boxing could be good for you.

Made by Boom Cymru, in partnership with @TheOpenUniversity

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Video Rating: / 5

Heavyweight boxer Ricky Gorman, a relative of Tyson Fury, tells the story of his path into the sport and his roots in the travelling community, including pride for his uncle, bareknuckle legend and ‘King of the Gypsies’ Bartley Gorman.

Fight footage courtesy of BBTV.


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Video Rating: / 5

SUBJECT Hypersomnia and Narcolepsy

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How To Get A Higher VA Rating For Insomnia (Even If You're A Terrible Sleeper)

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VA ratings for insomnia can range from 0% to 100%, depending on the severity of the condition. Although there is no cure for insomnia, there are treatments that can help improve sleep quality and reduce symptoms.

If veterans can prove that their military service caused or aggravated their insomnia, their insomnia can be considered service-connected. Veterans also seek service connection for insomnia as a secondary cause. According to the schedule of mental disorders, insomnia is often a component of a psychological condition. Therefore, if a veteran has service-connected PTSD, they may also be able to obtain service connection for insomnia.

🔶 Helpful resources for disabled veterans
🔵 If you are looking for a Nexus Letter for Mental Health and all other Medical Conditions, here is the email of one of our partners: (Please Include Your Phone #)

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Video Rating: / 5

Devin Haney vs Vasyl Lomachenko | Post Fight Review

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A boxing review of the recent undisputed lightweight boxing championship showdown between Devin Haney and Vasyl Lomachenko.

This episode of Rummy’s Corner was written, narrated, and produced by Geoffrey Ciani (aka – Rummy).

Devin Haney vs Vasyl Lomachenko | Post Fight Review

#HaneyLomachenko #DevinHaney #VasylLomachenko #Boxing


FightHype’s Ron Goodall recently caught up with Hall of Famer Roy Jones Jr., who had a lot to say about undisputed lightweight king Devin Haney defeating former champion Vasiliy Lomachenko. You don’t want to miss what went down. Check it out!
Video Rating: / 5

Rocky Boxing Ring Bed at The Ever After Estate

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Rocky Boxing Ring Bed at The Ever After Estate

A cute video re: the Ever After Estate’s Rocky room and its boxing ring bed

My son wanted a WWE wrestling bed for Christmas. I soon discovered they do not make them to buy so I made one and added a John Cena Fathead to the wall. This is his reaction to seeing it the first time.

Step by step instructions:

See pictures of my youngest son enjoying this same bed 4 years later:
WWE Wrestling Bed DIY under $100!
Video Rating: / 5

What are the causes of hypersomnia?

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Professor Matthew Walker, expert neurologist, discusses the causes of sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, and what people can do to improve their quality of sleep.

If you’re worried about your sleeping patterns, you can find out more about Professor Walker and his work, and how to book an appointment here:


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Three (3) of the BEST BOXING DRILLS for beginners to do from home with no equipment. In this video FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ breaks down boxing drills so you can start boxing training now.

The first drill will be a basic boxing movement, the second drill will be a punch combination, and the third drill will focus on conditioning. Rest for 30 seconds in between each drill. Here’s how it looks:

Drill 1: 2 Slips – 2 Rolls – Shuffle Back – Shuffle Forward
(repeat for 3 minutes)
Drill 2: Punch Combo: Jab – Cross – Lead Hook
(repeat for 3 minutes)
Drill 3: Pushup Punches, Lunge Punches & Plank Punches
(30 seconds each, repeat for 3 minutes)

Slip to lead side – Slip to rear side – Roll to lead – Roll to rear – Shuffle back – Shuffle forward
DRILL SET: 3 minutes straight + 30 second rest

When you slip you want to imagine your missing the punch just by an inch. When you roll you need to get as low as the punches coming at you. Perfecting these movements can help you become a better fighter. Once this movement gets consistent you can start to pick up the pace a little bit, slipping right into your rolls, right into your movement back and then forward. Keep your hands up at all times.

Shadowboxing Jab Cross Hook
Slowly and precisely practice this basic combination. Slowly rotate your hand out and back to your face, rotate your knuckle and turn your hip on your lead hook. Get better at shadowboxing by being more purposeful with every single punch.
DRILL SET: 3 minutes straight + 30 second rest

30 seconds – Push up and punch
30 seconds – Lunge punch
30 seconds – Elbow plank punch

Here is the breakdown of the movements in the drills above. These basic boxing moves can get you into boxing shape fast.

A slip is essentially a head dodge for an incoming strike. The goal of a slip is to move your head just enough to avoid the punch, but not too far that you throw yourself off balance. To perform a slip, bend both your knees slightly and lean your weight towards the side you’d like to slip to. Think of your body as a straight line. When you slip, you’re simply moving to the left or right side of that line, and then returning to center.

In one fluid movement, drop down in your boxing stance and shift your weight from one leg to the other. Then rise up, back to a standing position. A perfect roll should have you dropping your body just underneath an oncoming punch and no further. The easiest way to think about executing a roll is to picture yourself making the letter “U” in the air.

A key component of boxing is always staying light on your feet and ready to move. Move your rear foot one step back and allow your front foot to follow. To shuffle forward, move your front foot one step forward and allow your back foot to follow.

Your jab hand should be the same side as your lead foot. Rotate your hand as you extend from your guard into a jab. Your hand to your elbow should be flat as a table, with no bend in the wrist. Rotate your hand back into a guard position almost as soon as you throw it out.

Perform the same movement as your jab, but with your rear hand. Be sure to pivot your back foot when you punch so that you can generate power through your hips. Return your hand to a guard position.

Lead Hook
With your jab hand, you’re going to perform a basic hook. Bend your arm at the elbow and rotate your hips in the same direction you are punching. Execute the strike and return your hand to your guard.

Pushup Punches
Get down into a pushup position but leave about one foot of space between your feet. Perform a pushup and throw a punch from your pushup position. Alternate hands to ensure both arms get a workout.

Lunge Punches
Begin in a standing position. Step backward with your foot and drop into a lunge, touching your back knee lightly to the floor. Make sure your front knee stays bent at a near-perfect 90-degree angle, and throw a fully extended punch with the same hand as the leg that you stepped backward with. Return to a standing position and alternate between sides.

Plank Punches
Start in a plank position. While holding yourself in that plank, alternate punching with both arms.
Let us know in the comments below, where are you at in your boxing journey?

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Video Rating: / 5

Pioneer PAL Belt vs. SBD Belt – Best Lever Powerlifting Belt??

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The Pioneer PAL Belt and SBD Belt are the best adjustable lever belts on the market. Which is the best though?
➡ Best Weightlifting Belts:

The SBD Belt is the stalwart. They offered the first adjustable lever belt and it was a tremendous evolution in strength support. Pioneer, a maker of fantastic belts decided to release their own version and call it the Pioneer PAL Belt.

Today I compare the two and share which is the best lever belt for powerlifting.

➡ Pioneer PAL Belt (Use code: BASEMENT10 or UNTAMED10 for 10% off):
➡ SBD Belt Review:

All of My Recommendations ↓↓↓↓
➡ Best Barbells:
➡ Best Squat Racks:​
➡ Best Benches:
➡ Best Bumper Plates:
➡ Best Barbell Collars:
➡ Best Weight Belts:

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Copyright © 2021 Garage Gym Reviews
Video Rating: / 5

Re-thinking Classifications of Type 2 Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia: Dr. Emmanuel Mignot Pt II

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In Part II of this interview, Emmanuel Mignot, MD, PhD, Director of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine at Stanford University speaks with Julie Flygare, JD, President & CEO of Project Sleep, to discuss the narcolepsy research field’s re-thinking of the classifications of type 2 narcolepsy without cataplexy and idiopathic hypersomnia.

This is part II a longer interview available here:
Recorded on Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dr. Emmanuel Mignot is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Paris V and VI University in France. Dr. Mignot is internationally recognized for discovering the cause of narcolepsy. He has received numerous research grants and honors and is the co-author of more than 200 original scientific publications. Most of Dr. Mignot’s current research focuses on the neurobiology, genetics and immunology of narcolepsy, a disorder caused by hypocretin (orexin) cell loss, with indirect interest in the neuroimmunology of other brain disorders. His laboratory uses state of the art human genetics techniques, such as genome wide association, exome or whole genome sequencing in the study of human sleep and sleep disorders, with parallel studies in animal models. His laboratory is also interested in web-based assessments of sleep disorders, computer-based processing of polysomnography (PSG), and outcomes research.

Julie Flygare, J.D. is the President & CEO of Project Sleep and award-winning author of Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy. After receiving a diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy in 2007, Flygare advanced her leadership in the sleep and healthcare space through speaking engagements, publications, earned media, collaborations, and advocacy and awareness initiatives. In 2013, Flygare founded Project Sleep as a national non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about sleep health and sleep disorders. In her current role, she aims to empower a new generation of speakers, writers, patient advocates and community leaders in the sleep space. She is the co-creator of the first-ever scholarship program for students with narcolepsy, along with the Rising Voices of Narcolepsy℠ leadership training program. Flygare received her B.A. from Brown University and her J.D. from Boston College Law School, focusing on health law and policy.

This video is brought to you by Project Sleep, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of sleep health and sleep disorders. Project Sleep’s current programming includes the Rising Voices of Narcolepsy℠ leadership training program, the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, Narcolepsy: Not Alone®, the Sleep In campaign, and national sleep advocacy efforts. Learn more:

Note: This event is for educational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Should you have personal healthcare-related questions, please contact your sleep specialist or a qualified health provider.