Archive for the tag: sleep

Do Depressed People Need More Sleep? How To Do Wake Therapy

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Do depressed people need to sleep more? It would seem so, but when a depressed person stays awake, their depression resolves. The problem is it’s very temporary until the person goes back to sleep. Researchers have found that you can prolong the effect of the improvement if you combine sleep deprivation with light therapy.

In this video I show you how to do wake therapy for depression. This therapy has been used for both unipolar and bipolar depression. Although with bipolar depression the studies used lithium therapy along with the sleep deprivation and light therapy. But if at anytime during the therapy you start showing signs of mania like racing thoughts, impulsivity, irritability, you should stop the therapy and call your doctor. The early manic signs may resolve right after stopping the therapy, or you may need an adjustment to your mood stabilizer to get the mania to settle down.

I have guide that you can download that gives step by step instructions. You can download it here:

Khalifeh AH. The effect of chronotherapy on depressive symptoms. Evidence-based practice. Saudi Med J. 2017;38(5):457-464.

Boland EM. Et al. Meta-AnalysiIts of the Antidepressant Effects of Acute Sleep Deprivation. J Clin Psychiatry 2017;78(8):e1020–e1034

Wirz-Justice, A., Benedetti, F., Berger, M., Lam, R., Martiny, K., Terman, M., & Wu, J. (2005). Chronotherapeutics (light and wake therapy) in affective disorders. Psychological Medicine, 35(7), 939-944.

Horne JA. and O. Ostberg. A self-assessment questionnaire to determine morningness-eveningness in human circadian rhythms. Int J Chronobiol. 1976;4(2):97-110.

Martiny K, Refsgaard E, Lund V, et al. The day-to-day acute effect of wake therapy in patients with major depression using the HAM-D6 as primary outcome measure: results from a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One. 2013;8(6):e67264. Published 2013 Jun 28.

Benedetti F, Riccaboni R, Locatelli C, Poletti S, Dallaspezia S, Colombo C. Rapid treatment response of suicidal symptoms to lithium, sleep deprivation, and light therapy (chronotherapeutics) in drug-resistant bipolar depression. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2014;75:133-40.

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.

I upload every Wednesday at 9am, and sometimes have extra videos in between. Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss a video

Idiopathic Hypersomnia in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study

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Dr. Derek Stitt talks with Dr. David T. Plante about the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort study to estimate the prevalence of idiopathic hypersomnia.

Read the related article in Neurology.

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Dr. Eric Griggs explains the sleep disorder idiopathic hypersomnia

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Dr. Eric Griggs explains the sleep disorder idiopathic hypersomnia

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Quality of life in idiopathic hypersomnia - Video abstract [ID 396641]

Video abstract of an original research “Impairment in Functioning and Quality of Life in Patients with Idiopathic Hypersomnia: The Real World Idiopathic Hypersomnia Outcomes Study (ARISE)” published in the open access journal Nature and Science of Sleep by Joanne Stevens, Logan D Schneider, Aatif M Husain et al.

Read the full paper here:

If you Suffer from Hypersomnolence the VA may Rate You for Sleep Apnea | #AskDP #shorts

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#vadisabilityclaims #vadisabilityrating #hypersomnolence #sleepapnea
Suffer from Hypersomnolence. The question is will the VA rate me for sleep apnea if I am diagnosed and deal with hypersomnolence, but I’m not prescribed a CPAP machine? Good question!

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Our platform is about amplifying the voice of those aligned with us that chose to be of service to others. DP Productions is a content developer and service provider, and Veterans Network is a community to rally veterans, active-duty personnel, military spouses, and those who support the veteran space to come together, educate, mobilize, and take action. Both are founded by disabled Army veteran and former Federal law enforcement officer David “DP” Pineda. DP is also an entrepreneur, author, storyteller, mentor and proud guardian of a Service Dog named Legend.

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Sleep Disorders That Mimic ADHD

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is something that troubles both the affected children and their families. But looking deeper into the child’s nighttime behavior may yield surprising results.

You might find you’re child’s wild behavior during the day is linked to problems at night.

“About 50% of children with ADHD also have a sleep disorder and having a sleep disorder can directly give symptoms of ADHD,” says Dr. Jose Colon.

Dr. Colon is a pediatric neurologist and sleep specialist with the Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida.

“If you’re treating ADHD but you’re not addressing the sleep disorder then you’re not gonna get maximum affect for the medications.”

It might surprise parents to learn and estimate 3% of the pediatric population has sleep apnea; a condition where they briefly stop breathing. Sleep apnea and chronic sleep deprivation both affect the brain’s frontal lobe.

“The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that we use for attention. The ADHD medications primarily work with the frontal lobe. I have had multiple patients that in treating a sleep disorder their attention problems have dramatically improved,” says Dr. Colon.

Other times a child will have a limb movement disorder that fragments their sleep.

“Interestingly some studies have taken children diagnosed with periodic limb movement disorder and 75 percent of those kids can have daytime ADHD symptoms,” says Dr. Colon.

The gold standard in diagnosing a sleep disorder is to undergo a sleep study. In the same way adults are monitored through the night, children can go to the sleep lab too. It may spark a new day in their treatment.

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Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.
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Dr. Schuyler VanDyke from our TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Montana explains the link between Sleep Disorders and ADHD.

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Sleep Disorders Video 2: Hypersomnias

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The connection between autism and sleep

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What causes the sleep problems in autistic people? To begin with, many common autism traits directly affect sleep. Anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can make it difficult for a person to relax enough to slip into a peaceful slumber. Learn more at

Professor Matthew Walker, expert neurologist, discusses the causes of sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, and what people can do to improve their quality of sleep.

Worried about your sleeping patterns? Learn more:

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