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Three (3) of the BEST BOXING DRILLS for beginners to do from home with no equipment. In this video FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ breaks down boxing drills so you can start boxing training now.

The first drill will be a basic boxing movement, the second drill will be a punch combination, and the third drill will focus on conditioning. Rest for 30 seconds in between each drill. Here’s how it looks:

Drill 1: 2 Slips – 2 Rolls – Shuffle Back – Shuffle Forward
(repeat for 3 minutes)
Drill 2: Punch Combo: Jab – Cross – Lead Hook
(repeat for 3 minutes)
Drill 3: Pushup Punches, Lunge Punches & Plank Punches
(30 seconds each, repeat for 3 minutes)

Slip to lead side – Slip to rear side – Roll to lead – Roll to rear – Shuffle back – Shuffle forward
DRILL SET: 3 minutes straight + 30 second rest

When you slip you want to imagine your missing the punch just by an inch. When you roll you need to get as low as the punches coming at you. Perfecting these movements can help you become a better fighter. Once this movement gets consistent you can start to pick up the pace a little bit, slipping right into your rolls, right into your movement back and then forward. Keep your hands up at all times.

Shadowboxing Jab Cross Hook
Slowly and precisely practice this basic combination. Slowly rotate your hand out and back to your face, rotate your knuckle and turn your hip on your lead hook. Get better at shadowboxing by being more purposeful with every single punch.
DRILL SET: 3 minutes straight + 30 second rest

30 seconds – Push up and punch
30 seconds – Lunge punch
30 seconds – Elbow plank punch

Here is the breakdown of the movements in the drills above. These basic boxing moves can get you into boxing shape fast.

A slip is essentially a head dodge for an incoming strike. The goal of a slip is to move your head just enough to avoid the punch, but not too far that you throw yourself off balance. To perform a slip, bend both your knees slightly and lean your weight towards the side you’d like to slip to. Think of your body as a straight line. When you slip, you’re simply moving to the left or right side of that line, and then returning to center.

In one fluid movement, drop down in your boxing stance and shift your weight from one leg to the other. Then rise up, back to a standing position. A perfect roll should have you dropping your body just underneath an oncoming punch and no further. The easiest way to think about executing a roll is to picture yourself making the letter “U” in the air.

A key component of boxing is always staying light on your feet and ready to move. Move your rear foot one step back and allow your front foot to follow. To shuffle forward, move your front foot one step forward and allow your back foot to follow.

Your jab hand should be the same side as your lead foot. Rotate your hand as you extend from your guard into a jab. Your hand to your elbow should be flat as a table, with no bend in the wrist. Rotate your hand back into a guard position almost as soon as you throw it out.

Perform the same movement as your jab, but with your rear hand. Be sure to pivot your back foot when you punch so that you can generate power through your hips. Return your hand to a guard position.

Lead Hook
With your jab hand, you’re going to perform a basic hook. Bend your arm at the elbow and rotate your hips in the same direction you are punching. Execute the strike and return your hand to your guard.

Pushup Punches
Get down into a pushup position but leave about one foot of space between your feet. Perform a pushup and throw a punch from your pushup position. Alternate hands to ensure both arms get a workout.

Lunge Punches
Begin in a standing position. Step backward with your foot and drop into a lunge, touching your back knee lightly to the floor. Make sure your front knee stays bent at a near-perfect 90-degree angle, and throw a fully extended punch with the same hand as the leg that you stepped backward with. Return to a standing position and alternate between sides.

Plank Punches
Start in a plank position. While holding yourself in that plank, alternate punching with both arms.
Let us know in the comments below, where are you at in your boxing journey?

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3 Round Boxing Match / Training Timer – 3 x 3min with 1 min Breaks

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3 Round Boxing Match / Training Timer - 3 x 3min with 1 min Breaks

” 3 x 3min Round Boxing Match / Training Timer with Bell to start and end and 10 second warning sound. 1 min breaks in between.

If you want some fun activities for the iPad, or some help with computer issues have a look at my other YouTube channel at:

 3 x 3 min Ronda combate de boxeo temporizador / Formación con Campana de inicio y fin y el 10 segundo sonido de advertencia. 1 min interrupciones en el medio.

Si quieres algunas actividades divertidas para el iPad, o un poco de ayuda con problemas del equipo echar un vistazo a mi otro canal de YouTube en:

 3×3分钟回合的拳击比赛/培训计时器与贝尔开始和结束秒和10秒的报警声。 1个分钟休息之间。


 3 x 3 min Runde Boxkampf / Training Timer mit Bell beginnen und enden und 10 Sekunden Warnton. 1 min Pausen dazwischen.

Wenn Sie einige unterhaltsame Aktivitäten für das iPad, oder etwas Hilfe mit Computer-Probleme wollen einen Blick auf meine anderen YouTube-Kanal an:

 3 x 3min Round Match de boxe / Training Timer avec Bell début et de fin et 10 second son d’avertissement. pauses 1 min entre les deux.

Si vous voulez des activités amusantes pour l’iPad, ou une aide pour des problèmes informatiques jeter un oeil à mon autre chaîne YouTube à l’adresse:

 3 x 3min rotonda incontro di boxe / Training Timer con Bell per inizio e fine e 10 secondi del suono di avvertimento. 1 min pause in mezzo.

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 3 х 3мин Круглого боксу / Таймер Учебном с Белл для начала и конца и 10-секундного звукового предупреждающего сигнала. 1 мин перерывы между ними.

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 3 x 3 λεπτά Γύρος αγώνα πυγμαχίας / Εκπαίδευση χρονόμετρο με κουδούνι για να ξεκινήσει και στο τέλος και 10 δευτερόλεπτα προειδοποιητικό ήχο. 1 λεπτό διαλείμματα ανάμεσα.

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