Archive for the tag: Type

Lifting Belts for Women: what’s best for your body type?

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What the heck are lifting belts? Should I get one? What are they used for? Which one should I get? All these questions are answered in this video! I also share the lifting belt that I would recommend, which is the best one in my opinion😊

Rogue Belt Link:

0:00 What do lifting belts do?
0:52 How to use a belt & brace properly
3:10 What are velcro belts?
3:21 What are bodybuilding belts?
3:28 What are powerlifting belts?
3:37 Best type of belt for you
4:06 Types of powerlifting belts
4:51 Best belt for my body type
6:04 Rogue 3″ belt: yes or no?

Have a killer day 🙂

Watch this before you start powerlifting
Why I strive for strength instead of size
5 things to do when feeling overwhelmed
What I actually eat in a week

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WHEN TO USE A LIFTING BELT | Bracing & Breathing Tutorial

Understanding how to properly breathe and brace when lifting, creating that intra-abdominal pressure to support heavy loads is important. Weight lifting belts are great in helping you lift heaving during squats, deadlifts, or other compound movements. You’ll see a Velcro Belt, Lever Belt, and Prong Belt in this video. My name is Meg and I’m an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition L1 Coach, Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach, USAPL Certified Club Coach, and I’m Safe Sport Certified.

Velcro Belt:
Performance Prong Belt:
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Join my program, Stronger by the Day, our group training program. I run this program with thousands of other members who are lifting to gain strength, lose body fat, and feel more confident in the gym and in their lives. This program includes in gym and at home programming for the times when you can’t make it to the gym.

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Ready to start strength training, but don’t know where to begin? Check out my FREE program, Before the Barbell, that will take you from gym newbie to confident lifter in 8-weeks.
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Are you pregnant or recently postpartum? Your body’s changing, and your training plan should too. Join our strength training program, Plus +1 that is designed to help you feel confident, strong, safe, and knowledgeable in every phase of pregnancy (trying to conceive phase included) – both in the gym and at home.
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Looking for a supplement company that’s transparent and will never target your insecurities? Checkout my new company, Buff Chick Supplements for all your supplement needs. All of our products are third-party tested so that you know exactly what you’re getting.
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Re-thinking Classifications of Type 2 Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia: Dr. Emmanuel Mignot Pt II

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In Part II of this interview, Emmanuel Mignot, MD, PhD, Director of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine at Stanford University speaks with Julie Flygare, JD, President & CEO of Project Sleep, to discuss the narcolepsy research field’s re-thinking of the classifications of type 2 narcolepsy without cataplexy and idiopathic hypersomnia.

This is part II a longer interview available here:
Recorded on Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dr. Emmanuel Mignot is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Paris V and VI University in France. Dr. Mignot is internationally recognized for discovering the cause of narcolepsy. He has received numerous research grants and honors and is the co-author of more than 200 original scientific publications. Most of Dr. Mignot’s current research focuses on the neurobiology, genetics and immunology of narcolepsy, a disorder caused by hypocretin (orexin) cell loss, with indirect interest in the neuroimmunology of other brain disorders. His laboratory uses state of the art human genetics techniques, such as genome wide association, exome or whole genome sequencing in the study of human sleep and sleep disorders, with parallel studies in animal models. His laboratory is also interested in web-based assessments of sleep disorders, computer-based processing of polysomnography (PSG), and outcomes research.

Julie Flygare, J.D. is the President & CEO of Project Sleep and award-winning author of Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy. After receiving a diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy in 2007, Flygare advanced her leadership in the sleep and healthcare space through speaking engagements, publications, earned media, collaborations, and advocacy and awareness initiatives. In 2013, Flygare founded Project Sleep as a national non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about sleep health and sleep disorders. In her current role, she aims to empower a new generation of speakers, writers, patient advocates and community leaders in the sleep space. She is the co-creator of the first-ever scholarship program for students with narcolepsy, along with the Rising Voices of Narcolepsy℠ leadership training program. Flygare received her B.A. from Brown University and her J.D. from Boston College Law School, focusing on health law and policy.

This video is brought to you by Project Sleep, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of sleep health and sleep disorders. Project Sleep’s current programming includes the Rising Voices of Narcolepsy℠ leadership training program, the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, Narcolepsy: Not Alone®, the Sleep In campaign, and national sleep advocacy efforts. Learn more:

Note: This event is for educational purposes and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Should you have personal healthcare-related questions, please contact your sleep specialist or a qualified health provider.